Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Athazagotaphobia. Have you heard that? It means = Fear of being FORGOTTEN, IGNORED, or REPLACED. And so do I! 

Fear of being forgotten. Yes I'm the forgotten one :'( 

I have loved him for 8months with no result. What a same.. He is my friend. I knew him for 3 years, but I love him from last year, precisely in December. Oh God..
I did not expect, but once I just think he's a friend. But why? 

My last December. was really lovely! I miss all the moment. About him, about us <//3

He said he liked me, but now its different. Totally different.
I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be :((
And you just let it flow, feels like you just know me as a FRIEND.

Fear of being IGNORED. Yes, you ignore me and you change at all.

You are not the same.

Fear of being REPLACED. Yes, I was afraid of losing you!

Now I don't know what to do. Hope or not. I waited for a time when you were like before, although it WON'T be :')


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